Alaskan Fishing on the Alagnak

Fishing so good you'll never want to leave Alaska...

Katmai Lodge’s central location on the Alagnak River provides our guests with speedy access to Alaska’s best tidewater and freshwater fishing for salmon and trout. In fact, we’ll have you fishing world-class waters the very same day you arrive at Katmai Lodge!

Alagnak River Fishing Calendar

Available   Best Time
Rainbow Trout
Arctic Grayling
King Salmon
Sockeye Salmon
Chum Salmon
Pink Salmon (even years only)
Silver Salmon
Dolly Varden
Arctic Char

For Fishing News Visit the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Home Page

The guides at Katmai Lodge target fresh, strong salmon in their prime. We do not and will not target spawning or near spawning fish.

Fish Species of the Alagnak River

Releasing a King Salmon caught on a fly in Alaska.

King Salmon / Chinook Salmon

During the last week of June, large schools of King salmon begin arriving in the Alagnak river. These salmon average 30 pounds with monsters in the 50’s caught each season from Katmai Lodge.

These very aggressive, large fish readily attack big streamer flies as well as bright colored plugs.

a close up of a sockeye salmon

Sockeye Salmon / Red Salmon

Sockeye salmon, averaging 5-10 pounds each, return to the Alagnak during the first week of July. The Alagnak averages two million of these bright, chrome rockets each season.

These fish hug the gravel bars in 1 ½ – 3 feet of water as they march their way up stream. Sockeye are an intricate part of the Bristol Bay ecosystem. They are the major food source for all of the resident fish populations in the rivers.

Chum Salmon

Chum Salmon / Dog Salmon

Chum salmon arrive in mid-July and fish well through August. They average 12 pounds, but can range up to 20 pounds. These are the most aggressive salmon to a fly.

They will chase down and attack a fly on the swing, just off the bottom, or a dry fly walking across the surface. Pound for pound, these acrobats are the most fun, toughest fish in the Alagnak River.

They can be caught until your arm says “No More!”

Salmon swim up Clear Creek in Central Alaska to spawn

Silver Salmon / Coho Salmon

Silver salmon arrive in the Alagnak River in August. These aggressive chrome bullets are fresh from the ocean and looking for a fight. They are very willing players on fly or spinning gear.

The Coho Salmon of the Alagnak river run from 10-15 pounds and up to 20 pounds. They are very strong fighters – the most acrobatic of all species of Pacific salmon. Once hooked, hang on! Catching them on dry flies is something you’ll never forget.

Salmon spawning at the spawning channel in the Fraser Valley in British Columbia Canada

Humpy Salmon / Pink Salmon

Humpy salmon runs occur on even years only, and arrive in the Alagnak River late July through August. They average 5-10 lbs, are extremely aggressive and easily caught on fly or spinning gear.

With the addition of so many fish to the river, there is non-stop action on Humpy years.

It’s a great time for families with kids!

Alaska Rainbow Trout - caught and released on the Kanektok River.

Rainbow Trout

Katmai Lodge has excellent trout fishing all season with a diversity of styles to fish for trout.

After a long winter and with spawning behind them, the feeding frenzy begins in June.

From the gentle sip of a dry fly, the relentless pursuit of a mouse skating across the surface, or the bone-jarring stike to a streamer, the Rainbows of the Alagnak promise exciting fishing and memories for a lifetime.

Late August brings the trophy-sized trout, having gorged themselves on salmon eggs all Summer. The average size of these bruisers is 20-25 inches, with prized fish over 30″ being caught each season!

Fishing trophy - Siberian grayling. Wild freshwater fish in the Polar Urals.

Arctic Grayling

Arctic grayling are a beautiful, native stream fish with the dorsal “sail fin.”

They average 14-16”, and are great fun to catch with light gear and dry flies. For a smaller fish, they bring a lot of action and are a pleasant surprise.

The Alagnak River supports a healthy population of grayling and adds variety and challenge to your Katmai Lodge Alaska fishing trip.

Mining fishing - Arctic char. Photograph of freshly caught salmon.

Arctic Char / Dolly Varden

You can expect incidental catches of colorful Archtic char all season, though the best time is late August and September.

This fish averages 18 inches in length and are a blast on both fly and spinning gear alike.

Underwater photo of The Northern Pike (Esox Lucius).

Northern Pike

This ferocious predator is an invasive species on the Alagnak River and can be caught year-round.

Fly-Outs & Fishing Locations

Katmai Lodge flies to all of the blue ribbon trout streams in the Bristol Bay area, providing diverse fishing and the opportunity to experience additional locations throughout Bristol Bay with amazing scenery and wildlife. All of these streams are within a short 30 minute flight of Katmai Lodge. The world famous Brooks Falls at Katmai National Park is truly a must-see while visiting Katmai Lodge. At Brooks Falls you can watch one of the largest concentrations of Alaskan brown bears as they intercept sockeye salmon on their migration over Brooks Falls. This is where most of the brown bear footage you see for television documentaries is filmed. With one of our professional guides accompanying each trip, and a scenic 25 minute flight from the Lodge, Brooks Falls is an experience you’ll never forget. Peak time for bear viewing at Brooks Falls is throughout the month of July, though bears can still be sighted in August and September.

Taking Home Your Alaskan Catch

Your experience at Katmai Lodge will be one you’ll remember for the rest of your life and will want to share with your family and friends. At the end of your stay our guides will professionally vacuum seal and pack up to 50 pounds of your catch for you to take home and share.

As a parting gift from us, you will receive an email with photos of your trip and your fellow anglers from the week. Those back home are sure to enjoy both the salmon and images!